How to bulk-import projects into TimeDock

Last updated - Apr 20, 2023 at 2:20PM

TimeDock lets you import a pre-formated CSV file with a list of projects.

Download the sample CSV file and edit it with a spreadsheet program:

  1. Login to TimeDock and navigate to Setup > Import Data.

  2. From the Projects import section, download the sample CSV file from the right-hand side.

  3. Open the file with your favourite spreadsheet program.

  4. Edit the sample file accordingly, then save your changes.

Upload your modified CSV file into TimeDock:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Import Data.

  2. From the Projects import section, click Choose File and select the sample file you edited in the previous step.

  3. If you have devices set to only show dispatched projects, select which ones to dispatch the list of projects to from the Dispatch to specific devices list.

  4. With the file selected, click Import File.

Any projects not already entered into TimeDock will now be imported and synchronised out to the relevant TimeDock devices.

Any existing projects already entered into TimeDock will be matched on the Unique Job ID field within the CSV file and their details will be updated. Therefore this feature can be used for bulk-updating records as well as bulk-importing.

See also