Frequently asked questions
Last updated - Jun 02, 2020 at 2:55PM

Billing and Subscriptions
How much does TimeDock cost?
It depends on your configuration, company size and geographical location. Visit our pricing page for more information.
What is an Active Employee?
An Active Employee is any employee within the system who clocks in or out, within the billing period.
Are there any setup fees?
Self-service setup is free. If you require setup assistance a pre-negotiated fee may apply, for larger installations. Please contact us for more information.
Can we pay by Direct Debit or Bank Transfer?
In the interest of streamlining costs, and passing those along to you, we only accept the following forms of payment:
Credit card - online transaction.
Debit card - online transaction.
*Online bank transfer using POLi (New Zealand only).
Do I need a PayPal or other Merchant account to pay?
In most countries you can 'guest pay' by entering your credit card details into PayPal (or other applicable merchant). However, some countries have prohibited Merchants from taking payment without first registering an account.
Will you charge my credit card automatically?
You can choose to opt into automatic billing, for payments up to $2,000 per month, via our payment merchant Stripe. If you have not opted into automatic billing, we are unable to charge your payment cards in any way and we do not store payment information.
I've just opted into automatic billing. Will my previous invoice get paid, or do I have to pay that one?
Automatic billing will apply only to invoices generated after you opted in. Any unpaid invoices at the time of entering your details for automatic billing will still need to be paid manually.
Can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time however we do not offer refunds.
How can I cancel my subscription?
Email us. Once we have verified the ownership of your account, we will close or cancel it as per your request.
How can I view my subscription details and billing history?
Log into your TimeDock web portal and navigate to Account > Billing
Signing up, Plans and Limits
How do we upgrade to a paid plan?
If you are still within the trial period there is a button in the top menu of the TimeDock web portal called "Upgrade Plan" -click it to start the process and selecting a plan.
Will we get more features if we upgrade our trial?
Trials are already full-featured (with a time limit). This lets you test all functionality before you make a decision to purchase.
How can I view my current subscription?
Navigate to the billing screen within your TimeDock web portal via Account > Billing.
Where can I view an invoice for my subscription payment?
Log into your TimeDock and navigate to Account > Billing. Click an invoice to view as PDF.
I'd like to sign up but your default plan/s are too expensive.
We've priced ourselves competitively for small to medium sized organisations. For larger organisations we offer fixed custom plans. Email us for more information.
What happens if we exceed our plan limit?
You'll be charged 'pro rata', for that billing month.
Reporting and Notifications
Can I export my reports?
In most instances you can export your timesheets and job hours reports as PDF or CSV (Excel).
How often do you send email notifications?
We do not send notifications unless configured to within your Account settings. We may, from time to time, contact you via email for support, sales and system information.
Can we create custom reports?
Some basic reporting customisation is available. We also have more advanced reporting on our roadmap for future implementation.
Unsupported Features
How do I set up a roster or shift schedule?
TimeDock does not have functionality for rostering or shift scheduling. While we intend on supporting contracted hours in the future, for use with calculating overtime and late/early start and finishes, we've designed TimeDock to be a real-time time clock system for timesheets rather than a rostering system.
How do I record leave taken for employees?
TimeDock does not directly support leave management. We believe this is the responsibility of your payroll software, where local legislative rules are considered. All payroll platforms offer leave balances, leave taken, and leave request management. It is possible to use Activity Codes within TimeDock to manually identify leave taken, however as at March 2024 those hours would still export as regular hours worked if you export them across to a payroll platform.
Mobile Time Clock Apps
How much data does the TimeDock mobile App use?
Data used is proportional to the number of employees and jobs you have within your organisation. Below is a table representing estimated data usage, based on full-time employees.
Employees | Estimated data usage (per phone) |
1-25 | ~25mb per month. |
26-100 | ~50mb per month. |
101-250 | ~100mb per month. |
251-1000 | ~300mb per month. |
1001-2500 | ~750mb per month. |
Is TimeDock available on the iPhone and iPad?
Yes, TimeDock is available in the App Store.
Click here to download TimeDock from the iPhone App Store.
Is TimeDock available on Android?
Yes, TimeDock is available in Google Play.
Click here to download TimeDock from Google Play.
Can we use the TimeDock web portal in mobile browsers?
Technically yes, but for the best experience please view on a Tablet device, Laptop or PC.
TimeDock hardware
Can we use our existing security/access cards?
It's unlikely you'll be able to use the same NFC badges between your TimeDock and Security or Access Control systems.
Security and access control cards tend to use a higher-spec RFID or NFC format. In contrast, we've elected to use an ISO standard that's smaller, faster and less expensive for versatility with mobile devices.
Some customers have succeeded with special shielded and durable NFC stickers adhered to the side of their access control cards. We recommend testing first by sending us one of your cards & the on-metal stickers you intend to use, as the two could potentially interfere with each other on our devices, and with your security system as well.
The NFC type we support is Ntag213. They'll need a specific data configuration before you program them with your TimeDock device, or you can use many Android phones with our mobile app.
Do we need to use WiFi for our devices, or is a SIM card ok?
For the most robust and real-time experience, we recommend using a WiFi connection wherever possible. However a SIM card with a small data plan generally works equally as well, as long as there is decent mobile coverage.
Help & Support
Can someone please call me?
While we value personable support, please leave us enough information about your query so that we can make an informed determination of whether it's viable to escalate your enquiry to a call with one of our support team or engineers. In many instances we can answer a question or resolve a problem via messaging, which is more time and cost effective for us and allows us to pass through the extra efficiency into our competitive pricing.