Programming LockTag NFC tags

Last updated - Jan 23, 2023 at 11:30AM

Android no longer allows the NFC reader to function while the camera is open. If your app is not responding to an NFC card or tag, please ensure that you've switched the app to NFC-only mode (step 3 below).


1. Turn on NFC

Using an Android device, navigate to the settings and ensure that NFC is turned on. This setting can usually be found under Connections or Device connectivity but will vary depending on the Android model and software version.

2. Login to the TimeDock app

Log in to the TimeDock mobile app as an Admin User. If you're already logged in to the app, ensure that it has performed a sync since you added the relevant LockTags(s) into your TimeDock account. The last sync time is displayed under the TimeDock logo on the main camera screen. If it hasn't synced since then, tap the text to force it to sync.

3. Switch to NFC mode

On the main camera screen of the app, tap on the camera icon in the top-right corner to change to the front-facing camera. Tap on it once more to change to NFC mode.

4. Select clock-in mode

Ensure that the mode is set to clock in, indicated by the green background. If the background is red, tap the middle of the screen to change it to green (clock in mode).

5. Encode the card/tag

Tap and hold a blank NFC card or tag to the back of your device until a screen prompt appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to encode the card or tag for a LockTag.

When tapping the card or tag to the device to start encoding, ensure you hold the card or tag to the device until you see a success confirmation. Tapping and removing the card or tag too quickly can result in a partial encoding which will render the card or tag unusable.