Exporting time-sheet hours from TimeDock into Astute Payroll

Last updated - May 27, 2024 at 11:00AM

Before exporting to Astute Payroll first make sure that the Payroll ID for each of your employees in TimeDock match each employee ID within Astute Payroll.

Configure Astute Payroll for timesheet import

  1. Login to your Astute account and navigate to Config > Payroll > Timesheet Importer > Configure Imports.

  2. Click on the Create New Format button in the top-right corner.

  3. Enter a Format Name and select Astute Generic Timesheet Importer from the drop down menu.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Complete any additional fields and click Save when done.

Export timesheet file from TimeDock

  1. Login to your TimeDock account and navigate to Export.

  2. Choose Astute Payroll from the list of export formats.

  3. Select your timesheet date range by modifying the From and To filters. You can also choose a different rounding option or filter the exported timesheets by a specific department.

  4. Choose a source to map to Job Id within Astute Payroll.

  5. Choose a source to map to Customer Id within Astute Payroll.

  6. Choose a source to map to Workplace Id within Astute Payroll.

  7. Choose a source to map to Project Id within Astute Payroll.

  8. Choose a source to map to Activity Id within Astute Payroll.

  9. Choose if you want to create automatic break deductions by changing the settings in the Break Deductions box.

  10. Click Download File to save the timesheet file to your computer.

Import timesheet file into Astute Payroll

  1. Login to your Astute account and navigate to Config > Payroll > Timesheet Importer > Import Timesheets.

  2. Click the Choose File button and select the .csv file you downloaded from TimeDock.

  3. In the Select Import Format dropdown list, select the name of the generic timesheet importer that you created in the configure Astute Payroll for timesheet import process.

  4. Click the Validate button.

    • If the validation was successful, click on the Timesheet Pre Interpretation Data tab to review the data to be imported.

    • If the validation was unsuccessful, click on the Errors tab to view the errors preventing an import. Click the Back button, make the required data corrections and re-upload the data for validation.

  5. Once you've reviewed the successfully validated data, click the Import button to complete the import.

See also